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 Hi! I'm Jessica. I started Hey Lola in 2003 as a small retail boutique, selling gifts and handmade jewelry. Although it's not the same business it was when I started, I'm proud of the growth and evolution it has experienced through the years.


Today, I'm an environmental artist who works in paint, jewelry and marine debris, and I still work under the name "Hey Lola." During the spring, summer, and early fall, you can find me selling my jewelry and art at various markets throughout Central Illinois, working on murals, and having the occasional art show. Garbage is my favorite medium and coral reefs and tide pools are my favorite subject matter.


Most of my jewelry is made using bio resin, recycled metal, and plastic. The majority of my work is aquatic themed and references my deep love for and connection to the ocean.


During the winter months, I like to spend my time doing beach clean-ups, collecting debris for my sculptures, gathering reference and educational photos for my art and business, and furthering my art education.


I believe in advocating for people experiencing homelessness and for positive mental health. I believe we have a responsibility to care for the planet so that future generations can experience the same wonders we're able to today. I believe in using my work and talent to create and share joy. I believe in trying to be better and I believe we have a responsibility to care for each other. These beliefs are the foundation for nearly all of my work.


Thank you for visiting my website and for supporting my work. It means more to me than you could ever know.





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Jessica aka "Lola"

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